Actroid-F Robot Female Nurse
I couldn't believe! This is really amazing! Two human look-a-like robots invented by Japanese engineers. They can talk to each other!
The Japanese engineers often get asked why they made a female robot, so they decided to come out with male version as well. Mechanically, the two robots, are the same, and if the wigs off, their faces are the same too. They have created the male appearance using a wig and cosmetics. This makes Actroid-F (Actroid is a type of android (humanoid robot) with strong visual human-likeness developed by Osaka University and manufactured by Kokoro Company Ltd..
Because these robots look human, they have a very strong presence. Their psychological impact on people is much bigger than with robots that are simply shaped likes people, or animal shaped robots. In their research, when they use these robots in the field, the robots match their surroundings and do not look out of places.
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